Changes may be needed for a stalemate situation, but face stiff resistance
I find June is a busy month within our solar system with many energy shifts.
Venus, Jupiter and Pluto will form a T-square in the first week of June. The Fixed T-square is likely to trigger stalemate situations in finance and relationships involving insecurity, power struggles and manipulative behaviour. There is a need for change, but it is resisted due to attachment to the status quo. Individuals may feel it personally if you have natal degrees at 0-5 degree in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius).
If you have resisted needed change, fate will step in by stirring up a crisis, or a sequel to a recent crisis that happened between Feb 11 to March 23. Pluto will retrograde and re-enter to Capricorn 29 from June 11 to July 27.
The Full moon and new moon of June both clouded by stressful aspects with Neptune. In Astrology, Neptune often relates to mental confusion, miscommunication and deception. If you would like to start a new project or launch a celebration, leave your plans to July.
The Sun’s ingress into Cancer on June 21 marks the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere. The Cancer sun will trine Saturn in Pisces. It’s good time to plan and initiate constructive changes to the underlying structures of your life.
Saturn and Neptune will start retrograde on June 17 and June 30, respectively. The next 6 months is a good time to reflect on relationships, careers and finance, whether the activities are working out as planned or if we should change direction. If you have manifested visions in the first half of 2023, Neptune retrograde will bring reality checks and you will gain stronger clarity of the situation.
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Fixed T-square
Venus, Jupiter and Pluto will form a T-square in the first week of June. Jupiter and Pluto were in square aspect on May 17. Decisions that were made at the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in 2020 will now need to be adjusted to align with the current circumstances.
When Venus enters Leo on June 5, Venus Jupiter and Pluto will form a T-square in fixed signs. This combination in fixed signs creates a situation where there is a need for change, but it is resisted due to rigid attachment and a determination to preserve the status quo.
On a mundane level, Venus is associated with arts, diplomacy, peace treaty, natural resources, farming and finances through bankers and financial institutions. We may expect reforms or calls for innovation will face stiff resistance from powerful interest groups.
On a personal level, Venus signifies finances, friendship and romantic relationships. The Fixed T-square is likely to trigger stalemate situations due to resistance involving insecurity, power struggles, manipulative behaviour, jealousy or possessiveness. Individuals may feel it personally if you have natal degrees at 0-5 degree in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius)
Anaretic Degree
The fixed T-Square in the first week of June will be followed by Pluto’s retrograde and re-entering into Capricorn 29. The 29 degree symbolises a culmination, usually in the form of a crisis, before the end of a phase. Let’s recall what happened between Feb 11 to March 23 when Pluto first entered Capricorn 29. The retrograde Pluto will stay in Capricorn 29 until July 27.
Lunar Cycle
Regarding the lunar cycle, I’m not very excited about the full moon in Sagittarius and the New moon in Gemini, both clouded by stressful aspects with Neptune.
Full moon represents completion. The full moon in Sagittarius on June 3/ 4 will shortly opposite Neptune before moving to the next sign. New moon signifies new beginnings. This new moon falls at Gemini 26 degree on June 17/ 18 and will square Neptune as the last applying aspect. In Astrology, this often relates to mental confusion, miscommunication and deception. Depending where it falls in your horoscope, it shows areas you longed for beginnings but clouded with perceptions. For those who have natal sun, moon and angle degrees at mutable 25-27 degree may feel strongly for Neptune’s influences. If you would like to start a new project or launch a celebration, leave your plans to July.
Cancer Ingress of the Sun
The Sun’s ingress into Cancer on June 21 marks the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere. The Cancer sun will trine Saturn in Pisces. It is a good time to plan and initiate constructive changes to the underlying structures of your life.
Saturn retrograde
Saturn will start retrograde on June 17 and redirect on November 4. Saturn stations retrograde once every year and normally last four and a half months.
Saturn is a planet of taskmasters. Its retrograde gives us time to reflect on matters such as relationships and our roles at work, whether our activities are working out as planned or if we should change direction.
Saturn is also the planet that rules karma. This retrograde is a good time to reflect on your past behaviour, whether we are paying dues for our negative actions or earning awards from good deeds.
Neptune retrograde
Neptune will start retrograde on June 30 and redirect on December 6.
Neptune stations retrograde only once a year and the retrograde cycles normally last between five to six months.
Neptune is the planet of dreams, spirituality and illusions. When Neptune moves directly, it helps us see the big picture and tap into our intuition and dreams. When Neptune retrogrades, it lifts the veil for a reality check.
To work with the Neptune retrograde, it’s best to:
- See situations for what they truly are and be honest with yourself and others
- Move forward from unhealthy situations, whether it’s at work, in our relationships, or with our finances.
- Think clearly and plan ahead for the future.
- Stop dreaming and start doing it.
Individuals may feel it personally if you have inner planets at 22-27 degrees in mutable signs.
My advice to those who have natal degrees, especially the sun, moon, the 4 angles and its ruler (1st, 4th, 7th & 10th house) at:
- 0-5 degree in fixed signs: Learn to go with the flow.
- 5-7 degree in water signs: Take stock of past behaviour.
- 28-29 degree in cardinal signs: Accept and let go.
- 25-27 degree in mutable signs: Wait till July and the second half of the year for more clarity.
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I have mapped the major astrology events of 2023 for you. Check out my astrology calendar (currently on sales) here: https://shop.astrotiwaz.com/